VIP Data

sofimun-participation-vipdataThe SOFIMUN International Foundation is trying to improve the quality of its events. Because we believe that a person should be assisted in a non-native language environment we will try to help you during your arrival and departure.

We will also try to find the most suitable roommate for your stay in Sofia during the SOFIMUN conference. We also expect to have an input from your side if you have any diets or additional comments.

However in order to be able to make your participation a successful one and with less nervous moments, we invite you to fill this form.



  Please let the SOFIMUN Foundation assist you!

First name
Family name
Nationality / Citizenship
Assigned organ at SOFIMUN 2015
Represented state / NGO / media at SOFIMUN 2015
E-mail Please input your most checked e-mail address
Mobile phone number to be used during SOFIMUN 2015 Please input the full number including national code
Date of arrival Format: DD/MM/YYYY
Time of arrival Format: HH:MM (Use 24 hour numbers)
Place of arrival Please input 1 of the following:– Sofia Airport T1– Sofia Airport T2

– Central Bus Station

– Central Train Station

Company providing transport Please provide us with the brand name of the company providing the transport you will be using to arrive in Sofia city.
Number of flight, bus, train Please provide us with the number of the flight, bus or train you will be using to arrive to Sofia city.
Date of departure Format: DD/MM/YYYY
Time of departure Format: HH:MM (Use 24 hour numbers)
Place of departure Please input 1 of the following:– Sofia Airport T1– Sofia Airport T2

– Central Bus Station

– Central Train Station

Company providing transport Please provide us with the brand name of the company providing the transport you will be using to departure from Sofia city.
Number of flight, bus, train Please provide us with the number of the flight, bus or train you will be using to departure from Sofia city.
Additional days before SOFIMUN 2015 – If NO additional days please fill with “0”– If you have additional days please fill with the number of days
Are you staying in Hotel HEMUS before SOFIMUN 2015? Yes
Additional days after SOFIMUN 2015 – If NO additional days please fill with “0”– If you have additional days please fill with the number of days
Are you staying in Hotel HEMUS after SOFIMUN 2015? Yes
Roommate preferences Please provide us with the exact name of the person you wish to stay in a room. IMPORTANT: Your preferred roommate should also fill your name!
Vegetarian Yes
Additional comments




Protection of personal data

Any information you submit to SOFIMUN via valid authorized e-mail addresses will be used only for events and news concerning SOFIMUN and none personal data will be published to the wide public except data concerning states of origin, nationalities, number of participants, age statistic of participants (except for statistical purposes). Names and e-mail addresses of participants will be published in a list that will be handed out by hand or submitted via e-mail to all participants and official staff members of Organizational and Executive committees of SOFIMUN ‘2015. If you have any questions, comments and other requests, please contact us at: or