
International Foundation “SOFIMUN” 

International Foundation SOFIMUN was formed during the 1-st edition of Sofia International Model United Nations (20-27 July 2008). The Foundation organizes the SOFIMUN event annually and provides support to participants at MUN events. The SOFIMUN international foundation is open for members from all around the world.

Rotary Club Sofia International

Rotary Club Sofia International is part of Rotary Bulgaria District 2482. Rotary unites professional and business leaders who volunteer in their communities and promote world understanding and peace. Rotary encourages high ethical standards and carries out humanitarian projects to address such issues as poverty, health, hunger, education and environment. Rotary Club Sofia International consists of Bulgarians and foreigners, and the official language for communication in the club is English.

Interact Club Sofia Sredets

Interact Club Sofia Sredets is the youth program (section) of Rotary Club Sofia Sredets. The club has been established at 2011 with 20 charter members. Interact Sofia – Sredets is the first community based club at Sofia. Most of its members continue their education at prestigious universities around the world. Interact Club Sofia Sredets is a non-profit organization working in community service programs and initiatives of a charitable and educational purpose. Interact Club Sofia Sredets unites youths, living in Bulgaria, who are committed to the idea of service to society and to the development of a civil community.